Wednesday, January 6, 2010

2010: Begin Again - Pets Are People, Too; A Weigh We Go

Pets are People, Too
Where would we be without our pets? Oh, I suppose some would say, “we’d be just fine, thank you.” Those poor souls. Deprived of the companionship, entertainment and, let’s be honest, occasional challenge of having an animal in your life. An animal other than your significant other that is!

Sitting next to me, while I write today’s message, is a tall 20-gallon tank that’s home to three female mice – Thelma and Louise, and Ripley. They’re sisters so, for the most part, they get along. Sometimes Louise goes off on a tirade and beats up on poor Ripley, but then I’ll find them grooming each other a half hour later.

They’re sort of like teenage girls. I know because I have one. They’ll get into some squabble over nothing, act like they hate each other and will never be friends again, then up doing each other’s hair at a slumber party.

My own daughter, Kelsea, and I were talking about the mice the other day. We wondered how anyone could be afraid of them. These three are hilarious and very entertaining. Plus they’re cute little guys . . . I mean gals.

My love for animals goes back a long way. Over the years I’ve had a lot of different critters as part of my life. This includes:
• Birds: cockatiels, doves and finches
• Fish
• Lizards: anole, northern alligator lizards, iguanas
• Tiger salamanders
• Frogs
• Turtles
• Snakes: corn, king, boa, python, African brown house, racers, garter, northern red-belly
• Rodents: guinea pig, gerbils, mice, hamsters
• Cats
• Dogs

Life without pets would be a little different. I expect that day will come. For now, I’m happy with the mice and Max, despite the frustrations he can cause! If you’ve got a pet in your life, I hope it brings you a sense of joy and wonder.

A Weigh We Go
Tomorrow is Colonoscopy Day! Yes, that exciting time when a jolly man with white gloves sneaks up your chute while you’re sleeping and checks for any ‘goodies’ that shouldn’t be growing there. If you’re a good little boy or girl, he’ll snip away anything he finds that doesn’t belong. Hopefully, he’ll just be snooping around and then withdrawing without performing extra tricks.

At the outset I said this could jump-start my plan to shed some weight. Well, it’s working. Of course what I’ve ‘shed’ is likely to come back. I can’t take something that cleans me out like this every day. Start eating and the internal build-up will happen. Part of nature. But I can try to minimize it by eating somewhat healthier.

How much have I lost, you wonder? I started out at 200 frackin’ pounds on Jan. 1. As of this a.m., I’m down to 195. Who’d a thunk you’d carry around several pounds of . . . well, you know.

Late tomorrow afternoon, once all is said and done, I’ll be having my first real meal since Monday. Not sure what it’ll be, but I know I’ll love it!

Max is a fine dog, but that darned ear is giving us problems again. I was cleaning it out earlier this evening. Meanwhile, just down the street today, the neighbourhood deer were making themselves at home on the front lawn. Every winter they come up from the valley and live their lives among the homes of West Lethbridge. For more photos, check out Max and Max2.

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