Sunday, January 10, 2010

2010: Begin Again - Dream Weaver and Litter Things

Dream Weaver
The fulfillment of your dreams is necessary for the well-being of the whole of humanity. The Divine expresses itself through you and your life. Are you living up to your potential or selling yourself short. And, in so doing, adversely affecting all that is. It’s something I struggle with.

I do believe in a spiritual side of life. In fact, I think we are spirit experiencing the physical reality of the universe. Who and what we are is something humanity has pondered for thousands of years. Seems we still don’t have a definitive answer that suits everyone, and we never will.

God, Allah, Shiva, Jehovah, The Light, One Mind, Divine Spirit, Krishna, Shen, Gaia; they are all expressions of our efforts to understand our place in the universe. For me, I tend to follow New Thought principles, not to be confused with New Age. Forget the crystals; you are connected right to the Divine.

Even knowing this, that we are connected through and with spirit, I still struggle with things that are all too human. Not recognizing the Divine in others is a big thing with me. Certain people and the way they act get under my skin and I react without thinking. Not good. And it’s got me into trouble at times.

But I know I can live up to potential and I like the teaching that individual dreams are important to the All. Here’s a great talk about pursuing your dreams.

It’s the Litter Things that Bug Me!
Thank your lucky stars, God in Heaven or own version of the Divine that I’m not in charge of everything. If I were there’d be some changes made. I can’t stand people who litter.

Someone who has such little consideration for others that they’d just throw their trash around is offensive to me. Even with the big interest in being ‘green’ right now, there still seems to be a lot of people who just don’t give a damn. When I walk Max, I often end up picking up the trash left behind by others. Today it was a paper cup from someone’s coffee. Really, how much effort does it take to carry it with you along the path until you hit the next trash container?

Want to help clean up the planet? Here’s what I’d do if I was in charge (and that’s not likely to happen, so relax, you’re safe).

The minimum fine for littering would instantly increase to $1,000 for the smallest infraction. Drop a coffee cup - $1,000 fine. Leave a candy bar wrapping in the grass - $1,000 fine. Toss a cigarette butt on the ground - $1,000 fine. You can be a slob in your house, but not where others have to tolerate your disgusting lack of manners.

The fine would be payable immediately, or as $500 in each of two successive months. Can’t afford it? Fine. Here’s your options:
1. Authorities will garnishee your wages until the fine is paid.
2. Fulfill 100 hours of supervised community work instead of the fine. This works out to a value of $10 per hour. Hopefully, you’ll spend it in a supervised crew cleaning up parks and roadsides.
3. Serve your time in jail and have a record.

If it’s kids doing the littering, parents are given two warnings. The third time, they are responsible for the kid’s fine, or allowing the kid to work 100 hours of community service.

Yeah, I know. It’s unrealistic and some would say too harsh. But you better believe there would be a decrease in littering and parents may take more responsibility for bringing their kids up right.

Just me and my shadow - gone over to the dark side! Max waits for me to snap a shot. Ice fishing . . . I don't the attraction. Creek behind the pool the west side - full of snow and a long way from spring!

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