2010: Begin Again.
Simple words with a simple rhyme. But there can be power in the words if significant action accompanies intent. It’s a new year and with it, new opportunities. In Facebook and Twitter postings a short time ago, I noted that this year I don’t want a resolution; I want a REVOLUTION!
It seems each New Year kicks off with people making resolutions; expressed desires to commit to change. But what happens to those resolutions? Do they last a year? Six months? A month? A week?
Some people can make the resolution and stick to it. Some. I’m not one of them. For me to change, I have come to understand it will take a personal revolution – an uprising against what I’ve allowed to govern my life in the past and a move towards greater personal freedom and responsibility. I don’t believe we can have true freedom without accepting the responsibility that must accompany it.
And so for 2010, at age 52, I embark on a journey of revolution to change my life. I have no expectation of immediate wholesale change. But step by step I will move in a new direction with an understanding that at the end of this year I will be a better person.
One goal I have is to share this journey through my blog. Everyday. I anticipate there will be times when I have a great deal to say and times when I may only have a sentence or two. But I am committing to writing every day. I will also be including a photo with each entry.
Through this blog I will share my steps towards spiritual, mental and physical growth. My purpose is simply to inspire myself . . . and force myself . . . to change my life. Making the commitment to blog brings some accountability to my plan. Maybe someone will read this blog, maybe not. I don’t know. But I will be making entries each day.
Best wishes to all for a prosperous and healthy New Year. 2010: Begin Again.
BTW, I prefer ’20-10,’ not 2,010. Do we say ’19-10’ or ‘1,910’ if we refer to that year from a century ago? Besides, it reads better as 20-10.
Photo:Jan. 1, 2010. I'm scraping off snow packed down on the driveway. Too cold yesterday to do it - -20C. Up to a balmy -4C today.
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