2010: Begin Again!
“Hi. My name is Derek and I have a weight problem.”
Sorta sounds like an AA intro, doesn’t it? Except, of course, this isn’t anonymous. It’s a confession, but it’s just between you and me. So keep it quiet, OK?
I never used to have a weight problem. When I was a teen through my 20s, I could eat just about anything and not gain much weight. That all changed in my 30s. Now, at 52, I have a weight problem. How much of a problem? Well, it’s embarrassing to admit, but I currently weigh 200 lbs. (Skipping the metric on this one. Pounds sound more ominous.) Two hundred frackin’ pounds! 2-0-0! YIKES!!!
As noted in yesterday’s entry, I was watching Dr. Oz right around Christmas and he was doing a show about men’s health issues. Weight was one of the issues. Men who carry excess baggage around the middle have a significantly greater risk of heart attack. I tell ya, the heart goes flat and that spare tire won’t do anything to get you back on the road.
So, what am I going to do about it? 2010: Begin Again! I’m committing to shedding pounds this year. Sensibly. Nothing too extreme. By Christmas 2010 I want to weigh 170 pounds. That’s a 30-pound reduction in about 12 months. Do the math and that averages out to less than four pounds a month. Like I said, nothing too extreme.
Reduced meal portion sizes, reducing the junk food intake and increasing physical activity forms the basis of my plan. Sounds fairly straightforward. But for me, it will be a challenge. See, I’ve looked at the appetite suppressors that are supposed to make you feel full so you stop eating. Problem is I often eat because of the sense of taste, not because I’m hungry. I LOVE ticklin’ my tastebuds! But I know I can make the changes necessary to get down to 170. Just watch me!
Today’s photos:
It was time to clean the mouse cage today. The photos show me holding Thelma (white) and Ripley (brown) while transferring them back to their cleaned cage. Louise’s photos were all blurry. She’s got to learn to sit still for the photographer! Funny thing is, I used to feed critters like these to pet snakes. Now the snakes are gone and I’m finding the mice are a hoot. I still like reptiles, but the mice put a smile on my face with their goofy antics. They’re small, easy to care for and they make me laugh. Can’t ask for much more! To see more pix of Thelma and Louise and Ripley, check out http://bit.ly/6nUBgH.
Had to throw in one of myself for the day, too. That's me waving to you. Thanks Mac Photo Booth.
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