Beautiful day today in southern Alberta. Sunny skies and temperatures in the mid 20s. That’s not the way it was 29 years ago today. On May 16, 1981, it was overcast and raining. In fact, it had been pouring rain for almost a week leading up to that date. How would I possible know that? Easy. On that day 29 years ago Lynda and I were married.
Yes, it is our 29th anniversary today. And that astounds me. OK, let me clarify. It’s the passage of time that astounds me, not that we’re still married. We’ve been married for longer than some of my Facebook friends have been alive! Of course, there are other Facebook friends who were actually at the wedding and reception. How are you feeling today?
Our plan had been for a wedding at Henderson Lake, but the rain killed that plan. We went out to check the ground that morning and realize women’s heels would sink into the wet soil, so we had to settle for the court house … always have a Plan B in life!
At one time, there was a hotel in downtown Lethbridge called the Marquis Hotel. And everyone pronounced it Mar-kwiss. Just so Western Canada! Anyway, the dining room had been renovated shortly before we married and it was our choice for the reception.
The hotel had a ton of character . . . and more than a few characters! Dinner was excellent. Trust me to remember the food! We had prime rib that was cooked to perfection.The service was a little different. One waitress was little ditzy. She came by and took Lynda’s sister’s plate before she’d finished eating.
At the time, Lynda worked at the Army, Navy and Air Force Veteran’s club, which was just down the block from the hotel. We had to put in an appearance, so Lynda and I walked down the street in our finery and popped into the club. The nice folks there ended up giving us money as a wedding gift. Gotta love that.
I remember the last dance of the evening. Remember, this was 1981. The final song was from only three years earlier, but it would seem ancient today. Last Dance by Donna Summer seemed perfect to wrap up the evening. Some of the older folks in attendance were unfamiliar with the song, so when it started they came up onto the dance floor for that wonderfully romantic slow introduction. They left promptly when Donna cut loose! How do you NOT get up to dance to this song?!?
Ah, good times.
The next day there wasn’t a cloud in the sky and the temperature was quite comfortable. We flew to Victoria for our honeymoon and stayed in the Empress Hotel.
The Marquis Hotel, despite it’s renovations, had too many other problems and too much competition from newer and more boring establishments. It was demolished seven years later in 1988. Thankfully, our marriage has lasted longer than just seven years!
Today, we spent the day relaxing for the most part, but Lynda made me dinner tonight and that is unusual. I’m the chief cook around here. But Lynda is great when she wants to be. Tonight we had pinwheel salmon. That’s salmon fillets wrapped around crab meat. Quite excellent. Keeping it simple to savour the flavour, Lynda did a mix of steamed asparagus, fresh carrots and red peppers with dill and rosemary seasonings. I also had a couple of glasses of Sawmill Creek chardonnay.
I guess next year it will be my turn to cook!
Photos: Lynda and I cutting the cake at the reception, and our first dance. We really boogied to the last one, though.
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