As the first period comes to a close, it’s time for Coach’s Corner and an assessment of how the game’s going so far. It started January 1, 2010 with the idea of skipping the resolution and shooting for the revolution. Make it a make-over year with big changes. How’s it going?
Ups and downs usually accompany all projects. That’s OK as long as you keep getting back up after the down! So, here’s a quick score.
Blogging. I started with the intent to blog something everyday. Well, that didn’t last longer than a couple of weeks. I think I started feeling that to blog I needed something important to say. And that’s not what I wanted. My first thought was to simply blog for the discipline of it. Writing everyday would keep me writing. That’s what I should be doing.
Can’t say I’m going to blog everyday, but I am going to commit to it on a more regular basis. Sharing small things, ideas and some favourite quotes.
Health. Another up and down. Shed some pounds early on, but gained it back. You see, I have a problem. I love food! Good food. Bad food. Almost any food. Some people like art that stimulates the visual senses. Some love music that teases and pleases the auditory sense. Me? I like to tantalize my taste buds! It’s my downfall.
But having released weight early in the year, I do know I can do it. So for the next two periods of this game, it’s back to playing defence. I am also committing to taking up Nordic, or pole, walking. Yes, walking with what looks like cross-country ski poles customized for a snowless landscape. It provides an almost total body workout. Getting active and watching what I eat will see the shedding of weight that will be healthy for me.
Spirituality. He shoots. He scores! One of the big things for me this year was spiritual growth. I feel growth in this area has been tremendous. I’m working through The Quest with my friend Darren. This exploration from Unity Church is an eye-opener for anyone who thinks the study of spirituality is going to be boring. The chapters and associated work book are challenging. If you don’t have an open mind to new concepts, it may not be for you. But if you’re willing to consider new ideas and seriously examine your beliefs, find a copy of The Quest, hook up with a friend or two and prepare for the ride.
I’ve also been listening to Conversations with God on CD, reading different books and taking in some outstanding information sessions online. Unfortunately, there doesn’t seem to be a church or group that provides just what I’m looking for in a spiritual home. The traditional Christian approach to spirituality is not for me. I’m a New Thought kind of guy. Until I get something started in Lethbridge, I have returned to the Unitarian Universalist Fellowship. Their kind of open acceptance of different beliefs suits me fine for now.
Finally, there’s finances. Moving to a different position at the college helped save my sanity and you can’t put a price on that. But the accompanying reduction in salary is a challenge. I do need to get serious about supplementing my income. I have been researching options and I’m confident of a positive road ahead. So I’m counting this one as an assist if not a goal.
Two more periods to go in the game this year. The second period wraps up at the end of August and the third on Dec. 31. It’ll be interesting to see how the game shapes up. Stay tuned.

We’re All Victims of Fashion
First, name the song from which I lifted the line above and the group that sang it. There’s the challenge.

I’m used to being the only guy in a room of women. Just ask my former colleagues at work. At one time I was the only guy working with nine women in the Advancement Office at Lethbridge College. Today I was among the few who braved the Spring Tea and Fashion show held at the Legion by the Ladies Auxiliary. There were a couple of reasons to attend.
First, Lynda and Kelsea volunteered to model clothes. When your wife and daughter are both taking part, going to support them is the right thing to do. Second, I thought it would be nice to take my mother-in-law, Sharon, to the event. After all, she’d want to support her daughter and granddaughter. Kelsea’s boyfriend, Taylor, also came in support of Kelsea. Whadda guy!
The strawberry shortcake was tasty. There were lots of give aways. And Lynda and Kelsea got to model some nice clothes. In fact, Lynda ended up buying one of the outfits for herself, and one of the dresses for Kelsea. All in all, a good day!
Photos: Top left, Lynda with Kelsea, who is wearing the dress we bought for her after the show. Top right, Kelsea relaxing after the show. Above left, Lynda in the brown suit she purchased. Above right, Kelsea with Dennis, who played the bagpipes at the show.
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