Some people need to have a 2x4 whacked up against their heads in order to knock some sense into them. This includes anyone who thinks being cruel to animals is funny or amusing. Yesterday Kelsea, my daughter, rescued a young dog from the home of a friend of hers. The friend wasn’t overtly cruel to this pup, but she’s not really in a position to provide the care it needs.
The same cannot be said for her roommate and that’s why Kelsea stepped in. Misty is cute as the dickens. I think she’s a Chihuahua crossed with something that has long legs and a lean frame, possibly an Italian greyhound or a whippet.
On Thursday Kelsea stopped by her friend’s place and went to pick up Misty. The little dog gave a quick whine as if in pain. Kelsea discovered that on Wednesday this roommate thought it would be funny to hold this little dog down and shave off all her hair on a large brown spot on her back. He then thought it would be amusing to force the small animal over onto her back and use a black marker to draw crude images of human breasts and male genitalia on her.
Not satisfied with his work, it seems he attempted to use scissors to start cutting the hair off the back of her neck, but was interrupted when Kelsea’s friend arrived on the scene. Misty now has bruising showing up on her exposed skin. She’s very skittish, but is right now happily lying on my lap as I write.
Kelsea convinced her friend to give up the dog as she has no idea of how to care for it. Fortunately, Kelsea does and will become Misty’s new owner. How anyone can find the torture of small animals to be acceptable is beyond me. Having checked with authorities, this treatment doesn’t cut it for filing a cruelty to animals charge. Should this moron ever be unfortunate enough to cross my path, rest assured that I’ll give him a piece of my mind . . . the angry, yelling piece.
Photos: I'm trying to enjoy a bowl of Multi-Grain Cheerios while Maya, the kitten, and Misty, the puppy, nose around for handouts. Misty in our driveway Thursday evening. Misty's belly, unfortunately the marker drawings don't show up very well here. Kelsea holding Misty, show the shaved patch on her back.
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