Making changes in life doesn't mean you need to jump in with both feet. Granted, that can be the most effective method if you want big changes and you want them NOW.
I heard an analogy once comparing taking on a large task to having to eat a frog. Usually the story is told if the task is particularly onerous, implying that eating a frog would be something rather repulsive. You are asked to consider the task at hand as if it were the frog. You may not want to do the task, but you know you'll benefit from it in the end. So the question is asked, if you are forced to eat a frog, do you want to do it a little bite at a time, thereby extending the unpleasant experience; or would you rather shove the whole thing in your mouth, munch it up and swallow, getting it over with quickly.
Personally, I've never tried eating a whole frog. I think I'd have a problem with the bulging eyes. Frog legs are different matter. I've had them once. If you haven't, image tiny little drumsticks. You can hold them by one end, stick the rest in your mouth and slurp the meat right off them. Sort of like a frog-cicle. Of course I don't have to tell you that it tastes like chicken. Doesn't everything that's out of the ordinary? Alligator? Oh, that tastes like chicken. Rattlesnake? Yup, definitely tastes like chicken. KFC? Okay, you got me there. Tastes more like grease than anything else.
But I think you can change your life without eating the whole frog. Sometimes, it's a matter of baby steps.
In my last blog I noted that I'd launched a home-based business. It's been fun so far. Imagine being the only guy in a room full of women who want to get their hands on your tools. No, it's not that kind of business. Get your mind out of the gutter. Though I know some women are having a lot of success with those type of home-party businesses.
I've started a Pampered Chef business. There are not a lot of guys doing this, but those who are seem to be having success. I intend to join them. The objective is generate additional income that can be applied to my retirement plan and goals. I've done two shows so far and it's been a lot of fun. I try to make my approach a little different. I strive for audience participation, so I have 'volunteers' come up and help with food preparation. Food and fun is my objective. So for a few hours work, I made a couple of hundred dollars in profit. That's being invested back into the business.
Other changes are underway. I belong to a Toastmasters club here in Lethbridge. I missed a lot of meetings over the summer, but I'm getting back into the swing of things now. I'm embarassed to admit that I've only completed one speech and have taken steps to rectify that. And these are baby steps. I've entered the Table Topics competition that takes place Oct. 3. I'm competing against five other members. The format is simple. All of the contestant leave the room. Each returns individually and is given the same topic, unknown to anyone until they hear it for the first time. You then have two minutes to speak to that subject. What's really fun is if you don't know a thing about the topic and have to wing it.
I've also entered the humourous speech contest that takes place Oct. 10. That's a prepared 5-7 minute speech of my own creation that should be, logically, humourous. After that I've scheduled myself for two more speeches in October. That will get me up to four completed speeches.
On the weekend I picked up application information for the Y. The men's club membership looks pretty good. Access to the steamroom and private hot tub. Exercise bikes, a lounge and a TV. Yup, sounds good to me.
I'll be checking that out pretty quickly and sharing the experience right here at the Life of Bly.
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