Oh. You haven’t started your revolution yet. That’s OK. The year is still fresh and you can actually launch your own personal revolution any time you want. If you’ve ever read my blog before, you know that last year I had a theme – 2010: Begin Again. I experienced some significant change in my life and want to continue with that in 2011.
I also want to attempt to keep each blog entry shorter, faster to read, but with interesting information. Some will be personal, some will come from sources I’ve been reading.
So, let’s get started.
Personal Stuff
OK, confession time . . . or at least admission time. In the last few years I have become, shall I say, a tad over weight. And this weight is being carried around on my mid-section. If you’re a middle-aged guy, that is not good. It’s one of the issues that can lead to heart attacks. At the end of 2010, I decided to get serious about things.
It’s embarrassing to admit, but, as one goal for my blogging is to be open and honest and possible to motivate by sharing, I have to say that on Dec. 30, 2010, I weighed more than I have in my entire life. I tipped the scales at 203 lbs.!
YIKES!!! What was I going to do about that? Having a chocolate brownie with a bowl of ice cream came to mind! Food has always been a welcome friend when I’m depressed. At 203 lbs., I must have been really depressed! Not actually. But I did tend to grab a munchie if I wandered through the kitchen.
My first step was to simply stop eating crap. Junk food intake went way down. Healthier foods are now more plentiful at home.
My second step was to sign up for Deb Bixler’s Six Weeks to a New You program. It’s a great plan for weight reduction that takes a sensible approach to things. No vast numbers of hours spend working out. No pills or potions. No packaged meal plans.
Without going into details, it focuses on eating six times a day, with three meals of 300 calories and three of 100-200. All are healthy. Omelets. Chicken. Fish. Whole wheat bread. Yogurt. Nuts. Lots of veggies and fruit. Even some Triskets!
So, how have I done?
OK, Dec. 30 I was 203 lbs. Just before I signed up with Deb and started her program, I was down to just under 199. Actually it was 198.6. I began following the plan a week ago today. That’s when I weighed 198.6. At today’s weigh in, I was down to 194.2.
That’s a reduction of almost nine pounds from Dec. 30 to Jan. 15! Once I start getting more exercise, I anticipate further pounds will be shed.
My goal: 170 lbs by the end of June 2011.
Keep reading to see if I make it!
Dear God, my prayer for 2011 is for a fat bank account & a thin body. Please don't mix these up like you did last year. Amen.